
Go From Limited Engagement To Perfect Harmony Between Hubspot And Salesforce

HubSpot Salesforce Integration: Learn how MagicRobot can supercharge the data transfer and management capabilities between your HubSpot & Salesforce instances.

HubSpot Salesforce -MagicRobot

Unlock the Full Potential of Your HubSpot & Salesforce Data

If you use HubSpot connector for marketing automation and Salesforce CRM, then we don’t need to tell you about the limitations the standard APIs leave you with.

Fortunately, MagicRobot has developed a tool that can not only migrate all the relevant data you want from HubSpot to Salesforce but also harmonize the data into the reports that have always eluded RevOps professionals - until now.

With Salesforce + HubSpot Integration and Connector


Automatic Salesforce Campaign Creation

Dynamically create parent campaigns and campaign members based on HubSpot data or Salesforce tasks and events

Comprehensive Mapping & Data Transfer

Integrates and maps any data element, including custom fields, objects, and relationships, into Salesforce. You can customize how this data is displayed in engagement reports and attribution data. It can also be dynamically connected to Salesforce Campaigns, Leads, Contacts, Accounts, and Opportunities

Label channels, sources, content, UTMs

Any data from HubSpot can be seamlessly integrated into MagicRobot and converted into campaigns, categorized as "Marketing," "Sales," or any other relevant category. This integration eliminates any limitations imposed by HubSpot's design or execution constraints

Determine Lead Source

With MagicRobot's consolidated Salesforce and HubSpot contact history data, you can accurately identify "Marketing Sourced" contacts, pinpoint the exact sourcing moment, engagement, campaign, and channel. Leverage this data for attribution and downstream metrics

HubSpot Salesforce - MagicRobot

Makes Sense to a HubSpot Admin

MagicRobot's data import settings align with HubSpot Marketing Professional expectations, ensuring seamless integration with Salesforce and adaptability to your organization's evolving sales and marketing strategies

HubSpot Salesforce - MagicRobot


MagicRobot eliminates manual data transfer and reduces errors by automating recurring data transfers and providing one-time data pulls for hypothesis testing

Salesforce HubSpot Connector: Advanced Data Field Mapping Between HubSpot and Salesforce

The ability to transfer any data element and seamlessly synchronize data between HubSpot and Salesforce allows RevOps and marketing teams to finally gain control over field mapping, ensuring that data is transferred accurately and aligned with your specific business needs.

Seamless Data Synchronization Between HubSpot and Salesforce: A New Era of RevOps-Marketing Collaboration

  • Auto-create Salesforce campaigns: Skip the manual setup based on HubSpot/Salesforce data.


  • – Seamless HubSpot data integration: Any data element, custom fields, and relationships flow into Salesforce.


  • Dynamic data display: Customize how data appears in reports and attribution data.


  • Connect to CRM data: Link data to Leads, Contacts, Accounts, and Opportunities.

    • – Label sources & channels: Categorize data from HubSpot as Marketing, Sales, or custom categories.

    • – Break down campaign impact: Pinpoint exact sourcing moments, engagements, and channels.

    • – Accurate lead source identification: Identify “Marketing Sourced” contacts and their origin story.

    • Leverage data for better metrics: Inform attribution models and downstream performance assessments.

    • -Familiar settings: Data import aligns with HubSpot Marketing Professional expectations.

    • -Easy integration with Salesforce: Streamlined setup and adaptivity to evolving strategies.

    • -No more manual data entry: Automate recurring transfers and one-time pulls for testing.

    • -Minimize errors: Reduce human mistakes with automated data handling.

Top revenue-focused managers and marketing operations teams choose MagicRobot.

Let MagicRobot fix your Salesforce data issues with a set-it and forget-it automated solution