
Enable International Currency Management Across All Objects In Salesforce

Learn how MagicRobot can help global companies track and operationalize currency conversions in real-time across the entire Salesforce platform with Salesforce advanced currency management.

RevOps Redefined with MagicRobot's Currency Magic

If your customer base spans across multiple currencies, then you don’t need us to tell you the challenges that are present in your organization, especially when it comes to accurately reporting the information that is needed from the RevOps team.

With MagicRobot’s Salesforce advanced currency management, you can say goodbye to disjointed reporting and purportedly “inaccurate” numbers. Our revolutionary enhancement to Salesforce’s architecture empowers you to seamlessly handle multi-currency accounting and transitions and maintains accurate financial records across all objects (yes, even custom objects).

Historical Transparency, Accurate Reporting: Master Currency Management in RevOps

Conquer Currency Chaos: 5 Reasons MagicRobot is Your RevOps Savior

Stay ahead with automatic nightly updates and see the true value of every transaction, past and present.

Ditch inaccurate numbers. Get reports that accurately reflect currency transitions, building trust across departments.

Store converted amounts and dates for all money-related objects, streamlining reconciliation and boosting efficiency.

Access current and historical exchange rates for every object, eliminating data juggling and empowering informed decisions.

Convert any record to any relevant currency, instantly. Users see values corresponding to the Org Currency on the transaction date, across all objects, standard and custom.

Eliminate Manual Conversions, Gain Accurate Reporting with Automated Currency Management

Boost efficiency and accuracy with automated international currency management.

Accurate, Automated Currency

Ditch manual conversions and boost reporting accuracy with instant multi-currency views.

Goodbye Clunky Workarounds

Eliminate outdated, wonky solutions. Our solution is built for the future.

Dated Currencies, Handled

Automate historical and current exchange rates for all relevant records. No manual updates, no performance issues.

Streamlined Finance, Fewer Errors

Cut manual calculations, and reduce risk. Focus on insights, not spreadsheets.

Faster Decisions, Clearer View

Executives see the full picture, instantly adjusted for local currencies. No more scrutiny, just confidence.

RevOps Data Demystified

Everyone understands, regardless of Salesforce expertise. Build unwavering confidence in your data.

MagicRobot: Your one-stop shop for accurate, effortless currency management in Salesforce.

Supercharge Your Salesforce Data with Effortless Cross-Currency Management

Our cross-currency management seamlessly integrates with Salesforce, enhancing user, administrator, and developer experiences. It offers straightforward tools, including Apex and Flow calls, and provides access to exchange rates for any date.

Our currency management solution ensures accurate and timely handling of revenue-driven financial data, allowing non-Salesforce experts to perform essential sanity checks.

Top revenue-focused managers and marketing operations teams choose MagicRobot.

Let MagicRobot fix your Salesforce data issues with a set-it and forget-it automated solution